Discovery Groups are a great opportunity to learn about God and build relationships in a non-threatening environment. We have a lot of different groups on different days, so feel free to check one out! It's never too late to join a Discovery Group.
SDSU Co-ed:
· Mondays 3:30pm - Union Indoor Eating Area Near The Habit.
Leaders: Hilary Moore 910-787-4204 & Katie Byrd 619-873-6282.
· Mondays 7pm - Starbucks in the Union.
Leaders: Ariana Maaia 951-210-3588 & Rachel Kauma 760-807-9163.
Wednesdays 4pm - Starbucks in the Union.
Leader: Sierra Rushworth 760-270-5001.
· Spanish Speaking Wednesdays 7pm - McDonalds on Montezuma
Leader: Nathanael Hueso 619-701-0457
SDSU Girls Only
· Thursdays 2pm - Union Indoor Eating Area Near The Habit.
Leaders: Ashley Heidman 619-971-6143 & Molly Ayala 619-895-2017.
Guys Only:
· Sundays 6pm - Del Cerro Baptist Church. Leader: Evan Salabarria 619-756-9032.
Grossmont Co-ed:
· Tuesdays 2pm - Upstairs in the Griffin Center. Leader: Matt Wright 713-299-1522.
· Wednesdays 11am - Griffin Center. Leader: Victor Barajas 619-212-2287.
Cuyamaca Co-ed:
· Thursdays 12:30pm - Coyote Grill. Leader: David Morgan 817-681-0022.
· Thursdays 2pm - Cross Cultural Center. Leader: David Morgan 817-681-0022.
Mesa Co-ed:
· Thursdays 12:45pm - Outside The Bookstore at the tables.
Leader: Kevin Thorsell 760-533-5654.
International Students:
· International House Church Sundays 7pm - 5520 Pennsylvania Ln. La Mesa.
Leader: David Morgan 817-681-0022.